Tacoma Needle Exchange

Dave Purchase Project  |  Tacoma, WA

AKA: The Needle Exchange, TNE
Logo Tacoma Needle Exchange


Our syringe exchange services began in 1988. Our founder, Dave Purchase, decided that he was going to help our community address the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic by providing new injection supplies to drug users, with the understanding that when a person uses a new syringe and injection supplies, they minimize the risks of contracting blood borne viruses associated with drug use. Additionally, Dave found that by providing these services to community members, he was able to build a level of trust, which allowed him to engage in deeper conversations with participants about their drug use, sex practices, and other issues.
We continue today to provide services using Dave’s model, asking that our participants do their best to bring their used injection supplies to the exchange sites to receive new ones.


  • Case Management/Coordinated Care
  • Community Trainings/Education
  • Delivery Services
  • Drug Checking
  • Fentanyl Test Strips/Education
  • Hepatitis C Testing/Education
  • HIV testing/Education
  • LGBTQ Services
  • MAT Education/Referrals
  • Naloxone Distribution/Overdose Ed.
  • Plan B, Pregnancy Tests
  • Safe Sex Items
  • Safer Smoking Supplies
  • Syringe Services
  • Wound Care Services


3716 Pacific Ave
Suite F
Tacoma, WA 98418

(253) 381-5229
(253) 334-9576




Our schedule is subject to change, please check back as we do our part to keep participants and staff safe during this time.

Mobile Site:

As of February 26, we have resumed mobile outreach! Visit our van every Wednesday afternoon in the back parking lot of First United Methodist Church of Tacoma.

621 Tacoma Ave S

Wednesdays: 2pm to 4pm

Fixed Site:

3716 Pacific Ave, Suite F Tacoma, WA 98418

This location offers HRT and Boofing Kits!

Tuesday: 11am to 3pm

Wednesday: 10am to 1pm

Thursday: 11am to 3pm 

Friday: 12pm to 6pm 

Open First Saturday of Every Month 6pm to 10pm

Please call Mondays for deliveries by 10am for a delivery in Pierce County (253) 381-5229

This profile was last updated Feb 26, 2025. It is the sole responsibility of each agency to keep information and services up-to-date. Every agency listed in the NASEN directory will receive 6-month maintenance requests to the email(s) listed on file. If an SSP does not respond to these directory update requests within five business days, it will be automatically unlisted. If you feel an agency's information needs updating, please contact us.

© 2025 NASEN a Dave Purchase Project · Design: Hemisphere