California Clearinghouse

  • Syringe Services Authorization Program  Icon: PDF
    Syringe services programs (SSPs) have been operating in California since the late 1980s, providing sterile syringes, collecting used ones, and acting as a point of access to health care and help for people who inject drugs.
  • Syringe Services Programs in California  Icon: PDF
    Since the late 1980s, California syringe services programs (SSPs) have been providing sterile syringes, collecting used ones, and acting as points of access to health care and help for people who use drugs.

California Clearinghouse Updates

If you have questions about product availability please contact us via email kyle@nasen.org, allie@nasen.org, or kira@nasen.org 

Please be aware: Any address changes can take 1 to 2 weeks to become effective. Please alert our team of address changes as soon as possible to ensure deliveries get to you.

California Clearinghouse FAQs

What is the California Clearinghouse?

The California Harm Reduction Supply Clearinghouse is an innovative partnership between the California Department of Public Health/Office of AIDS (Harm Reduction Unit) and the Dave Purchase Project/NASEN designed to provide supplies, technical assistance, and all around support to syringe service programs (SSPs) in the state of California.

Who operates the California Clearinghouse?

The California Clearinghouse is operated by the Dave Purchase Project/NASEN in partnership with the California Department of Public Health/Office of AIDS. The California Clearinghouse team is based in Tacoma, Washington, and consists of Kyle, Allie, and Kira.

How do I join the CA Clearinghouse?

Please visit the website of the California Department of Health (Office of AIDS) for additional information. The CDPH/Office of AIDS offers free technical assistance for programs interested in pursuing state authorization and learning more about the Clearinghouse. For further information contact CDPH/Office of AIDS at (916) 449-5900 or SEPapplication@cdph.ca.gov.

The Syringe Services Authorization Program does not provide funding to applicants. However, all authorized SSPs are eligible to participate in the California Harm Reduction Supply Clearinghouse, which provides a baseline level of supplies to authorized programs.

If I am an authorized program already in the Clearinghouse, how do I request a new item?

You can request a new item by filling out the google form linked here.

As a program already in the Clearinghouse, how do I get the newest catalog?

We send them out at the beginning of each month. This is how we make sure prices, item availability/allocations, and delivery times are up to date. Please reach out to clearinghouse@nasen.org for more info.

What do I do if I want an item that’s not on the list?
Email kyle@nasen.org with the item and a short description of why that particular item is important to your participants or team. We compile feedback and review it before each catalog revision. If you have a separate source of funds, you can also purchase the item through the NASEN Buyers Club by logging into https://catalog.nasen.org/ and submitting an order. They will send your program a separate invoice.

How do I place an order using my Clearinghouse allocation?
If you don’t have the latest version of the Clearinghouse catalog, please email kira@nasen.org or allie@nasen.org for a copy.

© 2024 NASEN a Dave Purchase Project · Design: Hemisphere